Leading Parent Partnership

In February, Archway was proudly awarded the Leading Parent Partnership Award (LPPA). The assessor, Sue McElrue, spent a full day at the school, where she received a presentation from the LPPA coordinators, took a tour of the school with Mr. Beaumont, and engaged with students, parents, and governors. She also reviewed a portfolio of evidence before providing her feedback and granting the LPPA status to Archway.
Her detailed report highlighted that Archway is a “welcoming environment where everyone is valued,” and praised the school for its effective partnership with students, staff, parents, and carers. She noted that the evidence demonstrated “increased parental participation, higher attendance, a more enhanced school environment, and a positive impact on student wellbeing.”
A heartfelt thank you to all parents and carers who completed the questionnaires, and to our parent governor, Teresa Bonner, for her support and for speaking so positively about our school. Your involvement is greatly appreciated!
Archway Academy
Learning Lane, The Avenue

Email: archway@horizonstrust.org.uk
Tel: 01642440225


Horizons Specialist Academy Trust is a company limited by guarantee (Company No 08608287) and exempt charity registered in England and Wales.

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